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Monday, July 28, 2014

Sidelined. #ItBandSyndrome #runchat #calfstrain #running

It Ain't fun living in the real world.
     Don't you sometimes wish you COULD go crying to your mama.  Paramore missed the mark on that song, though I sense it's a lot of sarcasm.
I'm pretty sure no one reads this, except those who are probably looking for someone else with my name. 
Training, had been completely awesome the last couple of weeks.  I muddled through some aches and pains, mainly the chief complaint of tightness in my IT band.  It's just an ache that always comes back when I start running. I can stretch, foam roll, do yoga, pray, curse and bribe it to no avail. I assume that unbeknownst to me, I had been babying it because then comes a pain in the calf!
Everyone -Increase your running distance by 10% a week.
Me - Pfft. Womp, womp.
What do I do?  Yes, I decide to see if I can hang for the long distance run on Sundays by going solo. First 6 miles were effortless almost.  I stopped and stretched.  The dreaded IT was getting tight and I was a sub 10 for that first leg.  The second half, well I struggled with dehydration, bathroom issues, becoming hypoxic to the point I was dizzy and lightheaded.  A couple times I slowed down just to get my breathing under control and ward off the feeling of passing out.
 I was looking ahead to see when the Johnston turn was so I could use the restroom.  My feet were numb and painful at that point and everything from my hips down were screaming.. walk the last two miles! Did I, uh, no.
I figured I would be useless after that 12, and I was.  I had finished with a 10.36m/mile avg. Eh, I was okay with that.. well not really but what did I expect?  I jumped from 7 to 12 miles in one week. 
Next day I'm pretty tight but I decide I should just do a lazy mile to sort of stretch out the tightness in prep for a run at 6:30 the next morning with my friend N.D.  Well, when 6:30am came - I couldn't move and in fact I had been drained of all motivation and ambition to do anything but sit in my bed.. and eat. The worst, was the pain.  The calf, now 8 days later and it is still bothering me so unfortunately I am parked until further assessment. 
Doing the elliptical today took some concentrated rhythm as to not isolate the calf muscle and to use only my thighs to propel myself but the whole damn gym thing was just a big SNOOZE fest.
Lessons learned?
Listen to those who know, and most importantly, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.
I only hope that this isn't going to park me for too long.



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