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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

#ericnorthman returns #trueblood Series Finale - Episode 4

Eric Returns.... 

With the HEP virus???  Come ON ... he can't go down like that.  Fairy blood is ALWAYS the answer right??  Give it up Sookie!!
Just his mere presence revived my interest in this show. 
Does anyone really care about baby Vamp, Jessica throwing a pity party complete with anorexia??
Let's talk about Lafayette's eye makeup?? Uh, .... those eyelashes would make any drag queen seethe with envy.
However, mad props to Sookie for saying hey Jess, vamp the fuck up and lets go wreck some shit.
Who else was glad when Eric came and stole the lost puppy dog eyes from Bill?  I mean if this season ends up all neatly wrapped up in a Paquin/Moyer bow - off in the sunset as they have in real life I am going to revolt worse than the citizens of Bon Temp in the war of the vampires.

I could have done without the trip down Fangtasia lane and it being Ginger's idea. I mean the only thing that would have made that remotely interesting is a very clear ass shot of Eric Northman.

I do however, feel compelled to say that Ginger's slutty transition was imperially better than the throwback wardrobe that closely resembles everything I saw wrong with the movie #RealityBites.

Willa throwing money at her human blood bank with the effort Robert Downey, JR would make to turn down a line of coke... did make me LOL.  The HELL dad??
I'm just wondering what her and Arlene will contribute to the rest of the season? You'd think they'd kill off the less than eye candy first.. I mean... Alcide?? Come ON!! 

Let's be honest... it was an OKAY episode at best, but how many of you were like....
can we just fast forward to Eric being naked??

In the end, Hoyt's still glamoured, Arlene is okay... and perhaps better than okay as she looked here hero in the eye. Till next time!

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