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Monday, July 28, 2014

Sidelined. #ItBandSyndrome #runchat #calfstrain #running

It Ain't fun living in the real world.
     Don't you sometimes wish you COULD go crying to your mama.  Paramore missed the mark on that song, though I sense it's a lot of sarcasm.
I'm pretty sure no one reads this, except those who are probably looking for someone else with my name. 
Training, had been completely awesome the last couple of weeks.  I muddled through some aches and pains, mainly the chief complaint of tightness in my IT band.  It's just an ache that always comes back when I start running. I can stretch, foam roll, do yoga, pray, curse and bribe it to no avail. I assume that unbeknownst to me, I had been babying it because then comes a pain in the calf!
Everyone -Increase your running distance by 10% a week.
Me - Pfft. Womp, womp.
What do I do?  Yes, I decide to see if I can hang for the long distance run on Sundays by going solo. First 6 miles were effortless almost.  I stopped and stretched.  The dreaded IT was getting tight and I was a sub 10 for that first leg.  The second half, well I struggled with dehydration, bathroom issues, becoming hypoxic to the point I was dizzy and lightheaded.  A couple times I slowed down just to get my breathing under control and ward off the feeling of passing out.
 I was looking ahead to see when the Johnston turn was so I could use the restroom.  My feet were numb and painful at that point and everything from my hips down were screaming.. walk the last two miles! Did I, uh, no.
I figured I would be useless after that 12, and I was.  I had finished with a 10.36m/mile avg. Eh, I was okay with that.. well not really but what did I expect?  I jumped from 7 to 12 miles in one week. 
Next day I'm pretty tight but I decide I should just do a lazy mile to sort of stretch out the tightness in prep for a run at 6:30 the next morning with my friend N.D.  Well, when 6:30am came - I couldn't move and in fact I had been drained of all motivation and ambition to do anything but sit in my bed.. and eat. The worst, was the pain.  The calf, now 8 days later and it is still bothering me so unfortunately I am parked until further assessment. 
Doing the elliptical today took some concentrated rhythm as to not isolate the calf muscle and to use only my thighs to propel myself but the whole damn gym thing was just a big SNOOZE fest.
Lessons learned?
Listen to those who know, and most importantly, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.
I only hope that this isn't going to park me for too long.



Wednesday, July 16, 2014

#ericnorthman returns #trueblood Series Finale - Episode 4

Eric Returns.... 

With the HEP virus???  Come ON ... he can't go down like that.  Fairy blood is ALWAYS the answer right??  Give it up Sookie!!
Just his mere presence revived my interest in this show. 
Does anyone really care about baby Vamp, Jessica throwing a pity party complete with anorexia??
Let's talk about Lafayette's eye makeup?? Uh, .... those eyelashes would make any drag queen seethe with envy.
However, mad props to Sookie for saying hey Jess, vamp the fuck up and lets go wreck some shit.
Who else was glad when Eric came and stole the lost puppy dog eyes from Bill?  I mean if this season ends up all neatly wrapped up in a Paquin/Moyer bow - off in the sunset as they have in real life I am going to revolt worse than the citizens of Bon Temp in the war of the vampires.

I could have done without the trip down Fangtasia lane and it being Ginger's idea. I mean the only thing that would have made that remotely interesting is a very clear ass shot of Eric Northman.

I do however, feel compelled to say that Ginger's slutty transition was imperially better than the throwback wardrobe that closely resembles everything I saw wrong with the movie #RealityBites.

Willa throwing money at her human blood bank with the effort Robert Downey, JR would make to turn down a line of coke... did make me LOL.  The HELL dad??
I'm just wondering what her and Arlene will contribute to the rest of the season? You'd think they'd kill off the less than eye candy first.. I mean... Alcide?? Come ON!! 

Let's be honest... it was an OKAY episode at best, but how many of you were like....
can we just fast forward to Eric being naked??

In the end, Hoyt's still glamoured, Arlene is okay... and perhaps better than okay as she looked here hero in the eye. Till next time!

Monday, July 7, 2014

#TrueBlood Series Finale Ep.

When I say snooze fest I mean I ACTUALLY turned it OFF so I can go to the grocery store.  Right where Sam and the Deacon were speaking in the pew... more like PHEW!

I figured I should exhaust all energy before even attempting to watch it again so I couldn't move!!

Okay, so Sookie snuck out... poor Alcide!  Oh and who can't tell that there is some crazy ass Bill Compton setup.  Remember the flashback to episode two when Sookie was snooping in the diary?!  Come on ... we all know about 90% of us are team ERIC...
Whom, btw, needs to dye his hair back to blonde.... and personally, I am not a fan of blonde men ...but E. Northman HAS to be a blonde!!! 
So Jason is having biological clock issues, Jessica is having moral issues, and Sookie is on a death wish... not wanting to have anyone else killed because of her...then....
There goes Alcide.  Though I loved to look at him, his parting was anti-climactic.  I had more emotion from the plump Mrs. whats-her-name getting her heart ripped from her chest. 

To sum it up.... MEH.

Not even a tenth of their best producing... trying to cram too much into this last season.

One last thing.. so is Tara really gone, or what??

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Turning 37, #TrueBlood, and The Spectacular 4 miler

My first blog. Ever.
I used to keep a diary when I was younger so I suppose this is just like that. 
Next week I turn 37.  I am having SUCH mixed emotions about it.  I can't believe I'm pushing 40.
There are still so many things I want to do, and most days I still feel like I'm in my 20's.
I suppose that keeping up with this will be hard, but it's a great way to post my thoughts and feelings about things going on in my life ...
like turning 37.  I can't even wish it away.  *Sigh*
It is ridiculously crazy how life takes turns.  In my 20's.. I was convinced I never wanted kids. I wanted to be a famous singer, haha... I had the talent, but never had the balls to take it too seriously.
Now in my 30's I am married, have two kids, a house, a blooming career, and some great people in my life. I still have no idea who the hell I am. That, will not be figured out today.

I'm making strides though.  I'm taking charge of things I want to do and not relying others.  I'm taking responsibility for myself and my health. 
I've shed about 40 pounds and am working really hard to transform my body in ways I never knew possible.  I'm running races.  I'm in training for a marathon.  I'm eating clean. 
I ran the Spectacular 4 Miler race on Friday, July 4th with a less than impressive 9.06 average.  I'm kicking myself bc I know I could have done better.  A few lessons I learned.  DON'T dump the water toward your face.  I killed time trying to get the water out of my ears and my earbuds kept falling out.  Get better sleep the night before.  Poor choices. I know I could have done better.
So to prove it, I'm going to sign up for more.  Overall I came in 98/357 women and 21st/57 for my age group.  I started out too fast and it took me forever to get my breathing under control.
I wore Brady's baseball socks. Why?  Because they were CUTE. Kill me now. My feet were on FIRE!
So this week, I do some speedwork and get my resistance training on schedule.  Execute it. Prepare for the next race.

True Blood...  Less than impressed thus far and seriously.. I did not need the mental image of Jason and Eric making out and if it didn't turn out to be a dream I was going to be FURIOUS!